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Journal for Occultation Astronomy (JOA)

Here you find all issues of the Journal for Occultation Astronomy (JOA).

Stefan Meister from the Swiss SOTAS organization has compiled an index for all JOA issues.
You can download the index as a pdf or as an xlsx file. In the xlsx file you will find also the index for the old Occultation Newsletter issues, as can be found in our ON heritage project.

JOA 2024-1

JOA 2024-2

JOA 2024-3

JOA 2023-1

JOA 2023-2

JOA 2023-3

JOA 2023-4

JOA 2022-1

JOA 2022-2

JOA 2022-3

JOA 2022-4

JOA 2021-1

JOA 2021-2

JOA 2021-3

JOA 2021-4

JOA 2020-1

JOA 2020-2

JOA 2020-3

JOA 2020-4

JOA 2019-1

JOA 2019-2

JOA 2019-3

JOA 2019-4

JOA 2018-1

JOA 2018-2

JOA 2018-3

JOA 2018-4

JOA 2017-1

JOA 2017-2

JOA 2017-3

JOA 2017-4

JOA 2016-1

JOA 2016-2

JOA 2016-3

JOA 2016-4

JOA 2015-1

JOA 2015-2

JOA 2014-1

JOA 2014-2

JOA 2014-3

JOA 2014-4

JOA 2013-1

JOA 2013-2

JOA 2013-3

JOA 2013-4

JOA 2012-1

JOA 2012-2

JOA 2012-3

JOA 2012-4

JOA 2011-1

JOA 2011-2

JOA 2011-3

JOA 2011-4

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